is all about artist Alphonse Mucha

Alphonse Mucha is amongst the most popular painters from the past 200 years and his work is particularly colourful and seems to suit most people's tastes. For this reason, we decided to set up which boasts an impressive amount of information on the life and career of the artist as well as providing a gallery of all his best paintings, prints and sketches from a portfolio which was considerable and also tackled many different art mediums along the way. This AboutUs wiki page underlines the qualities to be found in our website, and hopefully will also encourage you to learn a little more about this highly talented and influential artist from the 20th century.

We spent considerable amounts of time choosing between different Mucha paintings to decide upon which to include in the homepage gallery and it was tough to get down to around 30 of Alphonse Mucha's most impressive and significant pieces of art work, with so many to choose from. There is an intention to expand the website over coming months in order to cover a wider audience for this truly international artist, as we want as many people as possible to discover this exceptional artist and typically his style does translate well across different countries.

Czech art has rarely had such an impressive impact on the development of international movements as was seen with the work of Alphonse Mucha who incredibly was responsible for the initiation of the Art Nouveau movement which he later distanced himself from as a result of his own desire to avoid great fame as such. In later life the artist decided to try many new art mediums as a general desire to push himself as far as he could. offers a detailed look into the life of this artist and explains key points around each of his best known works, as displayed in the gallery. All photographs are accompanied by links to where you can even buy your own reproductions art prints, posters and paintings of original Alphonse Mucha paintings.

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