vision, passion and multimedia photographic arts.


I Reine Mihtla hereby declare before myself, others and Spirit that my primary purpose in life is to ignite imagination and radiate love by being an authentic and integrated human being who is constantly growing as a woman, world class artist, visionary and voice of my generation. This is so I can do amazing things for the planet by bringing a new paradigm of how LOVE, GRATITUDE and positive IMAGINATION (also known as clean energy) can and will generate global unity. Through my actions I will travel the world inspiring others as a radiating example of what is possible when a soul is aligned, focused and surrendered to a mission that serves far beyond itself and, in doing so, leave a legacy that transcends my lifetime and helps evolve humanity towards a higher and more meaningful level of existence, consciousness and alignment with the greater good. In the beginning of time there was a girl who knew exactly what to do but she was so fascinated by life that she got distracted. She would play, laugh, dress up and talk to all of her friends. One day she woke up... meaning she remembered she had work to do. She put on her hard hat and buried her head into the earth to see what needed to be done. By then the trees had grown tall and she could see through their roots up to the tops of their branches and out all over the world.

She hopped on a blue jay and flew over to the next forest where she spoke with the elders. "I know what I'm going to do now," wiping pink cotton candy from her lips. They looked on in anticipation to hear if the little girl had come to terms with her task.

"My purpose this time is to ignite imagination and radiate love all over this world."

As a child I played in the dirt… sometimes I ate it. I played with frogs, drew birds and trees and mimicked butterflies. I studied the smell of grass as well as the taste of water from a garden hose. During my first few years of life I was taught that if I SAW someone doing something then I could do it too. This began with learning how to put food in my mouth or extracting juice from a sippy cup. It compounded from there. The day I realized I was lied to was also the day I learned to lie. Dropping garbage on the ground and walking away was easy. I was a sponge, as children are and I was too young to know the difference between helpful and harmful.

I am sponge like once again. I have become an antenna... or a magnet for creative inspiration, writing and information. The difference is I'm only focused on the helpful. I feel that I have collected many experiences to date and learned a few universal lessons that I can share… and that’s what ARTPOWERHOUSE is about. Love, Creativity and Communication. Somethings may be whimsical while others may hit a strong chord that pokes at your soul for further investigation. Ultimately for me, this is the primer level of a massive painting that I am about to create before your eyes.

The earth is changing and we are changing along with it. Lend me your powerful imagination for a moment so I can show you what I mean. Imagine a massive fence that encircles the planet. Take the time to paint it any colour you want. Now stand upon it and look out as far as you can see to witness everyone else on the planet standing on the same fence. You have just created unity in your mind. Because you just imagined it... you also just made it a possibility.

Now lend me your powerful imagination one more time. Imagine yourself standing in the middle of an open field. Look down at your feet and see the perfect pair of shoes you are wearing. Are they heels, flats, runners, boots or are you bare foot? Place a watering can in your hand and begin to water your feet. Watch your skin and the grass around you respond to the addition of water. The truth is the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Your grass is greener IF and WHEN you decide to water. Water regularly.

What I have learned of myself is that LOVE is the most powerful emotion I have. I've learned that whatever I hold in my imagination becomes physical form. Most importantly I've learned in order to be in alignment with myself I require clarity of mind, an understanding of my talents and a willingness to create and share daily in LOVE. If I do it... someone else will see the benefit...and they will tell their friends and the love will grow.

BIG LOVE & Bless the Planet

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