larger non-residential Zen centers in the country

Atlanta Soto Zen Center

The Atlanta Soto Zen Center, founded in 1977, is one of the larger non-residential Zen centers in the country, offering a full schedule of morning and evening zazen, zen meditation and protocol instructions for beginners, monthly sesshins and occasional week-long retreats. Please come join us in our beautiful location on Zonolite Place and look for opportunities to begin or deepen your Zen practice.

Zen knows peace with all religious doctrines and practices, so please do not hesitate to join us. Most major religions include a contemplative tradition similar in spirit to Zen meditation.

No matter how long we have been sitting, we aim for "beginner's mind" and treat each period of meditation as if it were our first time. We welcome everyone to begin their exploration of Zen practice during our Sunday morning Newcomer's Session ( please see our schedule). This session focuses on the mechanics of sitting including the posture, the breath, and disposition of the mind during meditation. At the end of the session, participants are given an opportunity to introduce themselves, talk about their interest in Zen, and ask any questions they may have.

Newcomers and Visitors

We encourage everyone to attend several Newcomers Sessions. Attendees often find new meaning in hearing the instructions offered by different attendants. The Newcomers Session is, however, not required and you may attend any of the regularly scheduled meditation services.

If you can't attend a Newcomers Session, plan to arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to a regular session and introduce yourself to the attendant as a newcomer in need of instruction. If you have a large group or would like special accommodations (either on-site at the ASZC or a presentation off-site), please contact us in advance (click here for email).

Please arrive quietly and on-time.


You may formalize and celebrate your Zen practice at any time by requesting an Initiation (tokudo) Ceremony. This ceremony marks your involvement as a lay practitioner of Soto Zen Buddhism. Please ask an attendant for details. "Discipleship" and "Priesthood" are offered at the Abbot's discretion. Speak to Elliston-sensei for more information.

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