
Axtell Family Organization


Daniel G. Axtell
Putney Vermont
United States 05346


Axtell is approximately the 11,415th most common name in the U.S. according to the US Census Name Search. About 0.001% of the USA is named Axtell. 72.507% of the country have names more common than Axtell. So, about three out of four Americans have a surname more common than Axtell.

0.001% of the US population (1 out of every 100,000 residents) is very roughly 2,600 living Americans with the surname Axtell. Some number of those changed their name TO Axtell at marriage and about the same number probably changed their name FROM Axtell at marriage. But Thomas Axtell's paternal descendancy (those descendants born with the surname Axtell) represents only about 1/2^10 (one over two to the tenth power) or 1/1024th of all his descendants. So, a complete decendancy would include about 2,000,000 living descendants (not accounting for the double counting of distant cousins marrying back into the paternal line). Perhaps one out of every 100 Americans is an Axtell cousin of some sort.

Common Ancestry

Almost all Axtells in America have common ancestors in Thomas and Mary Axtell of Sudbury, Massachusetts. (Some are in the Nez Perce line and a few have immigrated to America from England recently.) But 12th generation Axtells have up to 1023 other sets of G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-Grandparents. Thomas and Mary are a tiny part of our ancestry, but the name has proved a strong tie. (Most living Axtells are probably in the 12th generation.)

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