
Tucson Adult Care Home, Assisted Living


Adult Care Homes are located in residential neighborhoods, and are the preferred living arrangement of most of the elderly who can no longer live independently. The cost is about half as much as a nursing home and the care is much more individualized. Adult Care Homes provide daily assistance with personal care and other needs. Nutritional meals are served in a family-like setting and medications are monitored for safe use as ordered by the residents' doctor.

Adult Care Homes truly enrich the lives of the elderly for whom they care. It is the goal of these homes to make the lives of their residents wholesome and enjoyable. A safe, healthy and socially enriching environment is the golden key to maximizing the potential of each resident. Arizona Dream Catchers is the ideal home for your loved one. Check out our SERVICES .

This full-service home is located in a peaceful cul-de-sac in a desirable eastside neighborhood in Tucson, Arizona. This attractive home is surrounded with beautiful palm trees. Lush ivy covers the front of the residence.

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