

Excerpted from the website:

Barb started making dolls in the late seventies during the cabbage patch doll craze. Making dolls as birthday and christmas presents for her sister and their friends. Soon all the kids in the family started coming to her to make dolls for them, making it an annual event that Barb would make the newest doll craze each year for them. After moving to Florida in 1986 Barb started sending the dolls back to Buffalo, at the time she was making Syndee dolls (a line that is now discontinued ) one day she took a doll to her bowling league on the way to the post office and once the women at bowling saw that little boy doll she had more people to make dolls for. As the years have gone by Barb has worked through the local doll shops and finally online through Apple Valley Doll Works to supply dolls for her growing list of customers.
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