
Berkeley Hills Lutheran Church - Main Page


Berkeley Hills Lutheran Church
Pittsburgh PA
US 15237


The Body of Christ expresses who we are as members of Berkeley Hills Lutheran Church. In the proclamation of God's word and in the sharing of the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, God's grace is bestowed on us that we might be empowered for ministry. Our church is blessed to be large enough to support many ministries, yet small enough that we can share our gifts in fellowship.

As Lutherans we accept the Bible as the true source of Christian love, guidance and doctrine. We accept the ancient creeds of the church-Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian. We acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We believe the Lutheran Church to be a part of the larger ecumenical church that shares our core beliefs. Our congregation is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. For more information about Lutheranism check out the ELCA web site at or the Southwestern Pa Synod of the ELCA at

Berkeley Hills Lutheran Church is situated on over five acres of wooded land in an otherwise highly developed area. We are currently in a planning process to renovate and enlarge our facilities. This program of renewal and construction will enable us to extend our mission in the community.

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