
Birds In Alaska


6-5 and 6-6-06 ~Birdathon with bird club. Hey Max, "Scholarly Scaups" sounds great for a team name! Thanks.

Friday's birds (3.5 hours): American Wigeon, Myrtle Warbler, White-crowned sparrow, Boreal chickadee, Slate-colored junco, Common Redpol(core), American Robin, Barrows goldeneye, Lesser yellowlegs, Lesser scaup, Greater scaup, Canvasbacks, Herring and Mew gulls, Yellow Warbler, Orange-crowned warbler, Swainson's thrush, Ruby-crowned kinglet, Bohemian Waxwings, Red-winged blackbirds, Bufflehead, Northern Pintail, Mallard, Canada Geese, Rednecked grebe, Horned grebes on nests, Green-winged teal, Rusty blackbirds, Cliff swallows

Saturday's birds (8 hours): only listing the new birds added to birdathon list. Bald eagle, Red-throated loon, Ospreys at nest, Alder Flycatchers, Bank Swallows Tree swallows, Violet-green swallows, Sandhill cranes, Savannah Sparrow, Blackcapped chickadees, (scju nest--thank you Brandon and Brooke!)...need to double check the list for completeness but thats the bulk of our record. We had a long hiking day but the kids were great, fabuluos help and assistance from parents too. We could not have done this without you!

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