
Black Dam Sea Scout Group


Why Black Dam?

The Black Dam Sea Scout Group is based at the Roger Morris Centre, Eastrop Way, Basingstoke. The Group was formed in 1976 and was originally based at the Rucstall Community Centre, Holbien Close, Black Dam, which is why the Group is called the Black Dam Sea Scout Group.

How are Sea Scouts different from other Scouts?

There are nine Scout Groups in the Basingstoke East Scouting District, but the Black Dam Group is the only Sea Scout Troop.

So what is the difference between Scouts and Sea Scouts? None really, we are all members of the family of the National Scouting Association. We do wear a slightly different uniform, but we follow the same Scout training programme as all other Scouts, and edge towards more water activities. Also our ceremonies have a slight nautical flavour to the them, such as at flag break, we "Pipe" the colours.

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