- The e-home of a photographer working in San Diego, California


Blue Marble Photography


Excerpted from the website:

About Your Photographer : Having spent the last 23 years in construction, photography may seem like a bit of a departure from my comfort zone. It is. However, it is also this experience that enables me to bring my learned strengths to my work. There is nothing comfortable about construction. The work is difficult and strenuous. Minor injuries are common. Sore muscles, long hours, and the everyday stresses of deadlines take their toll. Look into the face of a construction worker, in time, it's worn and wrinkled from the elements. Dirt and dust is our companion and the threat of death is never more than one mistake away from disaster. Having said that, I must admit, I no longer work in the field, but rather in my office as a project manager, estimator and warranty manager. When I worked on site, I could turn at the end of a day, or at the end of a project, and see the fruit of my hands. Now, in order to see the end product, I shoot it, print it, and put it on my wall. Now the thanks goes to other younger technicians who risk life and limb daily to produce the concepts and dreams of architects and designers. THIS is why you see the architectural facade gallery. I understand the hundreds, sometimes thousands of hands it takes to "build a building". I quote that because buildings are so much more than what we take for granted. Concrete, steel, glass. Buildings are living breathing creatures with souls and hearts. Skeletons and veins and brains. An architect lies awake in the middle of the night with a concept, rushes to his note pad to jot down those thoughts and starts a process that boggles the mind beyond comprehension. The process starts from below ground and up, graders, uitilty providers, water, structural engineering, structural steel, electrical, mechanical, architectural details, color schemes, doors, hardware, furniture, carpet, telephone and internet... the list seems endless. Along with all those trades and services are yet more dedicated people who lie awake at night struggling to do the best job possible, in as short of a duration as possible (the sub-contractor). All this, so we may conduct business or simply live in a beautiful, comfortable environment. My passion and understanding both of the structure's life and the life it brings to its occupants is what I try to convey in my photography. As for the portrait work I do. This started when my wife and I were blessed with a beautiful granddaughter. The quest started simply because I wanted to produce photos that reflect the deep emotion and gladness of heart that our "Punkin" has brought into our lives. Her image is the first you see when you visit this site. I knew the photos I made looked okay, but somehow lacked the elements that would make them great. That is when the decision was made to learn from an expert. That decision changed our lives. I have been mentored by a very giving couple, Rod and Robin Deutschmann. Their guidance has allowed me to fulfill and exceed. They are a blessing in my life. Rod is a no-nonsense, hard driving instructor who makes no bones about the difficulty of making a memorable image. His approcah turns those complexities into a way of "seeing". There is no room for pleasantries and "niceness" if the image fails. Mr. Deutschmann let me know right away where my strengths and weaknesses lie. Then he hammered away with practice assignments that honed away the chaff, leaving a pure approach to image making. He is still my mentor, showing me the limitless possibilities through technique and fervent attention to detail. As many before me, I say a heartfelt "Thank You" to my teacher and friend Rod Deutschmann. God bless you. Find his link above for more information.
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