
Body Essence Personal Training


Located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, we provide Personal Fitness Training (In-Home and Private Studio), Diet Analysis and Nutritional Guidance, Fitness and Functional Assessments, Posture Evaluation, Training Programs, Injury Rehabilitation, and more... John Paul Catanzaro B.Sc., C.K., P.F.L.C. is a certified kinesiologist and professional fitness and lifestyle consultant with a specialized honours Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology and Health Science. He owns and operates a private studio in Toronto, Ontario. For additional information, visit his website at or call 416-292-4356. John Paul has appeared on television and has written articles for several publications including ATHLETE! Speed-Strength-Sport, Bodybuilding Italia, Coaching One-On-One, Dolfzine, FitCommerce, Fitness Trainer Canada, Flare, grrlAthlete, Intense Fitness, Men's Health, MuscleMag, Olympian's News, Planet Muscle, Quest For Anabolic Condition, Testosterone, and Wannabebig. His newsletters are both informative and entertaining, and he has provided reviews for numerous sources including the inaugural edition of Sport First Aid in Canada. John Paul has studied under many of the world's top strength coaches and his pursuit for knowledge is relentless, constantly striving to upgrade his skills. John Paul is quickly becoming one of the premier trainers in Canada. Building a reputation for getting his clients in top shape fast, his expertise has not gone unnoticed by other health practitioners who attend his private studio regularly for instruction. Recently, John Paul has begun to attract the attention of fitness-related organizations seeking lectures and workshops. He's been dubbed the man with an encyclopedic mind - you will leave his presentation with a wealth of valuable information that you can put to immediate use. John Paul's Stretching For Strengthening DVD received rave reviews, and his latest project, Warm-Up To Strength Training DVD, is deemed for the same success! Look for his Strength Explosion Book and Strength Revealed Audio CD scheduled for release in 2006. In the meantime, visit the following websites:,,,,, The Body Essence website offers a free fitness & nutrition newsletter jammed with quality up to date information. This is the hottest resource on the internet with tips on muscle strength & size, weight loss and diet aids, exercise equipment & training programs, valuable Q&A's and so much more. Brought to you by fitness expert & author, John Paul Catanzaro, and his award winning website based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Call (416) 292-4356 for more details.

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