
Bittorrent TRackers Automatic Checking System - A.K.A BTRACS


BTRACS is an automatic information site which periodicaly checks closed community bittorrent trackers for being open for signup. Some closed community bittorrent trackers' signups are closed and are "invite only" (meaning, if you have a user, you can invite your friend to join or a friend can invite you).

Every once in a while these bittorrent trackers' sites operators remove inactive users and sometimes open signup for a day or a few hours even. When this happens, we want you to be the first to know about it!

We will demonstrate by providing an example. A bittorrent tracker site has 54051 signed up users and is closed for signup, it's an "invite only" site. The sites' operator checks all the existing users for being active and finds out that 5366 users are inactive, the sites' limit in our example is 50000 users.

So, let's do a bit of math: 54051-5366=48685, that leaves 1315 users under the sites' limit. So, the sites' operator decides to open signup for a little while, only enough for 1315 new users to signup. You have to know this information in time if you want to signup for this site.

Here is where BTRACS can help you. The main page is being refreshed every 10 minutes automatically. It checks all bittorrent trackers in its database and provides you the relevant information - which of these bittorrent trackers' signups are open.

If you know of a closed community bittorrent tracker you want to share with the rest of the world, you can add it to our database and we will check it with the rest of the bittorrent trackers.

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