
The Center for the Business of Government: Home


The mission of the Center for The Business of Government is to provide cutting edge knowledge to government leaders. The Center is dedicated to stimulating research and facilitating discussion of new approaches to improving the effectiveness of government at all levels in the United States and across the world.

Since its creation by IBM Corporation, the Center for The Business of Government has awarded nearly 200 research stipends to leading public management researchers in the academic and non-profit communities. These stipends have resulted in over 125 reports, which are available on this site (go to Center Publications). Our reports focus on the major issues facing all governments today: e-government, financial management, human capital management, managing for performance and results, market-based government, and innovation, collaboration and transformation. This website also contains information on how one can apply for future research stipends.

In addition to Center reports, our website also includes interviews with over 100 top government executives who discuss their careers and the management challenges facing their organizations. These interviews were originally broadcast on The Business of Government Hour. You can listen to these interviews (via Real Audio) or read the interview transcripts.



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