is a web and graphics design firm


Basic Web Design & Graphics - Affordable, Custom Web and Graphic Design Solutions.


The internet has taken off and is literally in nearly every home in the world. It is no longer a novelty, but a vital part of our culture and life. It is the way we communicate, the way we learn, the way we shop, the way we do most things interpersonally. Now, whether or not you think that is a good thing, we who carry the light of Jesus should still be out there in the thick of it.

Unfortunately, one common practice by Christians is to scrimp and save and cut corners in order to be good stewards of God's money. Overall, that is a great idea. God has given us a certain amount of resources and we should be careful to use them wisely. But, often in the arena of the world wide web, that means that churches either don't spend the money to have a web page, or they spend little to nothing for a poorly done, never updated website. (Which may be worse than the absence of one!)

I have always strived for excellence in everything that I do. Our ministry's website was no exception. And I have continued to try to improve on that year after year. And I think I have. It is well presented, easy to use and even fun!

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