
Cat Companions - The Fine Art of Shelly Wilkerson


When I was very small, I used to drag a cat around with me wherever I went. Where other small people used well-worn flannels to drag through leaves, dirt, peanut butter and jam, I had my cats. Suffice it to say that they were the best-loved critters on the block, if not the best dressed. While plastic and porcelain dolls sat gathering dust on the shelves, my parents and their colleagues determined that I was to be a veterinarian in training as they observed me bundling small furry mewing things in bandages, blankets, bibs and cribs. The companionship of the cats seemed to fill my emotional needs as well as my imagination. They passed the time while the new baby brother addition kept mother, dad and my grandmother occupied. My main human cohort was my grandfather who contributed greatly to my ever-blossoming imagination. His grandfatherly yarns contained some of the all time greatest grampa fibs ever fabricated. This widened my eyes and prepared me for my own yarn spinning abilities later as I began to find trouble to get into. A good imagination can be ones best friend when one is busy enjoying life in a manner that mother would not approve. I also learned that the old folks were the ones that were full of tall tales, comfy laps, warm cookies, and magic. Ive loved the seniors ever since.

As a rather loquacious preschooler, I was often plopped in the rear of the station wagon, given some paper and a pencil and told to Shut up and draw. This kept me occupied as well as my parents sane on most family trips. It also kept me from yanking my little brothers hair when the folks werent looking. I spent a lot of time day dreaming on those trips. I dreamed about one day becoming a famous artist and running away to France where I would paint to eat.

Growing up in San Diego, California in an area of upper middle class professionals was not what one would expect from the average starving artist. My parents were never really poor, yet they werent as wealthy as our neighbors or as well off as mother would have liked. She spent much of her time dreaming, scheming and trying to figure ways for Dad to claw his way up that corporate structure. This met with a little difficulty for a meat cutter for a large chain grocery. His occupation suited me fine, though as it meant that we would have steak at least once a week. That was my absolute favorite. I could have eaten cow morning, noon and night. I was a card carryin meat and potatoes kid. While other kids were developing craters in their teeth from candy and junk, I was building a case for concrete arteries& Until I reached my thirties and I discovered red wine. Eventually the trips for annual checkups showed that I had evened out my LDL with my HDL, so the stuff they say in medical journals must be true.

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