
Cave Clan Australia


Cave Clan is a group dedicated to urban exploration. We are much like traditional cave exploring groups in that we venture into places other people wouldn't think of going into, just to see what's there. Unlike traditional caving groups we don't limit ourselves to natural cavities. We will explore pretty much anything, natural or man-made. We have a vast database of explored locations that we have accumulated over the 15 years of our operation. We are a pacifist organization in that we don't go and smash things underground, we just want to see what's around. We have an impeccable safety record, not one exploration related death has occurred within the Cave Clan since it's birth. We have expanded remarkably since the 80s, we now have branches, or at least contacts, in most states of Australia and in many countries around the world. Cave Clan has been the subject of many rumours throughout the years, such as we're a gothic band, we're a graffiti crew, we have bizarre rituals and sacrifices in drains, we live in drains and defend them to the death, we use drains as an escape after committing crimes, and so on. These are always a source of amusement. The most recent rumour is that we cut off peoples fingers if they don't advertise us - the source of this one being a joke line on one of our stickers - "If I don't put up 1000 stickers the Cave Clan will cut off my fingers"

Cave Clan explorers a wide variety of places which includes stormwater drains. Since Americans refer to stormwater drains as 'sewers', most people assume them to be effluent carrying pipelines, but this isn't accurate. Australia's stormwater and sewerage network are completely separate, therefore the only thing you'll find in a stormwater drain is rain water. If you catch diseases whilst standing out in the rain, you probably shouldn't explore with us. However, if you're like most people and can handle rain, you're quite safe. Despite what some people will tell you there aren't pools of stagnant water filled with rotting vegetation and dead bodies. It's very rare for water pools to accumulate underground, and if they do, the natural rain cycles ensure they don't have enough time to sit still and stagnate. As far as cleanliness goes, they're about as clean as public transport, probably cleaner. In the 15 years of Cave Clan's operation, there hasn't been a reported case of a member falling sick after exploring a location that we have listed.

It's true that flash floods do happen, but unlike what the media leads you to believe, they're not quite as sudden as you'd think. There are plenty of warning signs and time for escape, but if you follow our safety directions you won't ever see these signs or need to escape. Our golden rule is no drains when it rains! ALWAYS check the weather forecast before exploring drains, this information is available free of charge over the phone and internet (see our safety section). Keep in mind that most drains are connected to rivers and creeks, so it can be raining a few kilometres away and that will cause a flood, although that is rare. It's quite simple to judge whether or not it's safe to explore - it's just common sense - we haven't had a drain related death in the Cave Clan yet! When it's raining, why not explore a cavity or topside item? Obviously these are immune to the weather.

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Whitaker, S
Melbourne VIC
Australia 3057

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