Cesj.org an association that promotes global economic & social justice


Center for Economic and Social Justice Home Page.


The Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), established in 1984, promotes a free enterprise approach to global economic justice through expanded capital ownership. CESJ is a non-profit, non-partisan, ecumenical, all-volunteer organization with an educational and research mission.

CESJ's global membership shares a common set of moral values and works together toward a common purpose, transforming good ideas into effective action.

Building upon the ideals of the American Revolution--which was really a "New World" revolution to spread political democracy globally--CESJ focuses on extending economic empowerment to all. Going beyond the mere rhetoric of empowerment, CESJ has developed a common-sense, comprehensive plan--the Capital Homestead Act--to liberate every person economically. To build equity with efficiency at the workplace, CESJ has developed a management system for corporations of the 21st Century known as "Justice-Based Management."

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