
Web site hosting, Linux or Windows Charming Web : - )


Who we are...

Charming web design and hosting was founded with some pretty simple concepts in mind. Mainly to provide quality, state of the art web design and hosting with friendly courteous service to our clients. Charming web wants your business and we will work hard every day to earn it. We will work with you to develop your web site and Internet strategy so you can get the most benefit from your investment. We want to be your long-term partner and grow with you and your business. When your Internet needs change we will be there to help you keep up with the advanced technology driving today's most successful web sites.

Charming Web is 3 years old and we owe no debt. We own our own computers outright and we lease our servers from a top tier provider to maintain the newest, fastest and most reliable machines possible. Our servers are maintained in a secured data center with quadruple multi gigabit connections to the Internet. More about our infrastructure.

Bobby Joe Rose AKA "Ador" first saw the Internet in 1994 and registered his first domain, TONEZONE.COM in 1995. Self taught he started writing HTML for web sites with Microsoft™ Notepad. Ador is a member of Microsoft™ .NET developers network and was a beta-tester for Microsoft™ Windows® 2000 and Microsoft™ OneNote® 2003, a workgroup collaboration software. He is also a member of the Macromedia Dreamweaver software developers group and PayPal web applications developers group. His knowledge and experience with the Windows operating system and Internet and web site architecture allows him to develop amazing solutions for our client family. Ador is invited and attends several Microsoft™ seminars a year to keep abreast of the rapid advancements in web design and software development. Bobby Joe was born with a serious birth defect called spina-bifida but has never let it slow him down.

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