provides info and packets about child circumcision


Circumcision Resource Center


circumcises a majority of its male infants, circumcision is an American cultural value and is accepted as “normal.” (Cultural bias on this issue may be more obvious when considering the practice of female circumcision in

. Americans regard that practice the way Europeans, who do not cut genitals of male or females, regard American circumcision—with horror.) American circumcision advocates who are dissatisfied with the position of circumcision policy makers claim “ anticircumcision bias,” but they support their claim only with their judgment that “substantial medical evidence” favors their view.

It is significant that circumcision advocates have never offered any rationale or research to explain why someone would have an “ anticircumcision bias” and why, for example, some circumcised men, Jews, and doctors who performed routine circumcisions (and stopped) would adopt a position opposing circumcision that is not evidence-based.

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Circumcision Resource Center
Boston Massachusetts
United States 02133-0232

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