
City Athletes - The Bay Area's Premier Sports Community Portal


Excerpted from the website:

We developed CityAthletes to provide an online sports community that serves as both a comprehensive source of information to athletes and a means of strengthening the communities within cities. CityAthletes is an all-inclusive site and welcomes athletes and non-athletes of all ages and abilities. Whether you are looking for a club to join, an event to take part in, a place to work out, or a store to buy your equipment, CityAthletes has what you need. Not only does the site supply information, but the community-building sections, such as the news articles, photo album, discussion boards, and member listings, also provide forums for you to communicate and coordinate with fellow athletes. In addition to bringing people together to build the city community, CityAthletes is making an effort to support neighborhood businesses by only including the stores and services local to its cities and providing these businesses with an inexpensive way to reach their audience.
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320 Vallejo Dr. #38
Millbrae CA 94030 US


S.K. Panda
+1 650 652 9355



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