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The idea of creating a web site dedicated to all things roller coaster was the brainchild of Dave the Iguana, pictured here with his owner, Dan Farrell.

However, without opposable thumbs, Dave found it difficult to grip a computer mouse and Dan Farrell, who boasts an incredible two opposable thumbs, took over in early 2001. Dan struggled for names at first; "rollercoasterreview" was the first thought, but deep in his heart, Dan knew that Dave would have wanted something more catchy, so he randomly type in "Coasterforce" to see if it had been hadn't! was born.

The inspiration for creating Coaster Force was born out of Dan's first unaided steps into the online coaster kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a man named King Putz of Coasterbuzz, and he was the person to teach all. Dan found that his website was difficult for him to use, not knowing anything about the industry at all, and soon ventured elsewhere. He found a horrible yellow-on-black ThrillRide! site that he didn't even try reading, and a nice site about news called Screamscape. None of these satisfied his desire to learn. Dan then stumbled upon a site called RCDB, the Roller Coaster Data Base. This site gave him the idea to create a website that helped people learn about roller coasters. RCDB gave Dan the infromation he wanted, but finding it was difficult when he didnt know where to start. The final straw was when Jeff Putz banned Dan (then under screen name 'Iron Wolf') for asking for help with his new site Coaster Force, and posting photos from it. Dan stormed from the Kingdom of the Buzzers, seeking vengeance.

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