introduces the Code Pink organization located in Orange County


CODE PINK :: Orange County


eMiLy heLL
Los Alamitos CA
United States 90720


Code Pink Orange County is part of a large grass-roots women’s peace & social justice movement that is actively seeking positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action all across the country and around the world.

The name CODE PINK plays on the Bush Administration’s color-coded homeland security advisory system that signals terrorist threats. While Bush’s color-coded alerts are based on fear, the CODEPINK alert is based on compassion and is a feisty call for women and men to “wage peace.”

We call on women around the world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. We call on mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, teachers, healers, artists, writers, singers, poets, and every outraged woman willing to be outrageous for peace... Because of our responsibility to the next generation, because of our own love for our families and communities and this country that we are a part of, we understand the love of a mother in Iraq for her children, and the driving desire of that child for life.

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