Student loan repayment options for Illinois residents


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In 1957, state lawmakers created the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) to ensure that financial considerations did not prevent Illinois students from realizing their postsecondary educational goals. Since then, the number of students we assist and the number of programs we administer have increased steadily, as has the scope of the services provided to support those programs. Our priority, however, has remained constant. Today, as in 1957, that priority continues to be making postsecondary education accessible for the students and families of Illinois.

To better serve its clients, ISAC has evolved into a one-stop financial aid center, offering a comprehensive array of programs and services. At every stage of the financial aid process, ISAC is there, acting as a centralized source of information and guidance. In Illinois, we administer most of the key state and federal grant, scholarship, loan and prepaid tuition programs available to postsecondary students, annually awarding in excess of $1 billion to over 250,000 qualified applicants.

As a one-stop center, we strive not only to broaden access to postsecondary education, but to simplify the process of reaching that goal as well. The following highlights the programs and services that define ISAC and how we go about fulfilling our statutory mission.

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