
Cosmopolitan University : Welcome!


The Internet has changed the ways things are done including studying, researching and teaching. The Internet is a fantastic educational and scientific resource for students and teachers and researchers of all kind.

Right now, one of the great benefits of the WWW is all the new archival material it offers to educators and students: references, articles, curricula, books, and catalogs. These resources will continue to grow as the WWW is increasingly seen as an ideal publishing medium for references, instructional materials, thin-market material and scientific knowledge. We consider the WWW as the biggest library on our planet, and it includes thorough information of all branches of science and the humanities.

More and more education is done over the net at all levels from simple tutorials to university level courses. In particular the Internet has changed Distance Education in a way it's never been seen before. The WWW has greatly advanced this type of education or we should say REVOLUTIONIZED. Cosmopolitan University has been a part of e-education from the very beginning, we knew that studying by dialing up the web would fit the needs of many people longing for more education, who may have kids, work irregular hours or travel, which makes attending a traditional school almost impossible, but Web sites can offer a classroom for all learners.

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Promm, Eric

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