Cspan.com Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics




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C-SPAN is a private, non-profit company, created in 1979 by the cable television industry as a public service. Our mission is to provide public access to the political process. C-SPAN receives no government funding; operations are funded by fees paid by cable and satellite affiliates who carry C-SPAN programming.

As a public service created by the nation’s cable companies, C-SPAN does not track viewership ratings. However, studies by researchers and user groups have been conducted that describe our audience’s interests and viewing habits.

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Roseszymanski's Comments on Cspan.com

  • Roseszymanski (frustrated) : I am frustrated about the upcoming election, as you know there is not much to pick from once the (super delegates) get Hillary Clinton out of the race. Mc Cain has a score to settle with Vietnam, we all know how he feels about Iraq sothis means more lives lost, the day the statue of Hussein came down is the day the Iraqi people should have started to form their own government. Obamna is a wet behind the ears green horn who can't handle a crisis,so called president of change and doesn't like the flag or the national anthem is he going to "change "these too. I for one is writing Hillary Clinton on the ballot come November. She is the only hope this country has without her we are all doomed. Today you had people commenting on gas prices I can remember when Nixon froze everything but then he wasn't an oil man. Maybe we should just go back to foot power. 11:01, 10 May 2008 (PDT)
  • Roseszymanski (frustrated) : I am frustrated about the upcoming election, We the voters don't have to much to pick from once they(the supoer Delegates)get Hillary out of the race. Mccain has a score to settle with Vietnam and we all know how he feels about Iraq, so this means more war and more lives lost, with obama the president for change, he is wet behind the eard green horn , can;t handle a crisis, doesn't like the flag or the nationa; anthem does he plan on a "change here too? 10:54, 10 May 2008 (PDT)

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