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Excerpted from the website:

let me tell you a little bit about Hotwire. Hotwire while it may not be as well-known as some travel sites like Priceline or Travelocity offers some of the better values on the Internet for your travel needs. Hotwire sells hotel rooms and air tickets in a manner similar to Priceline in that it does not identify which particular hotel or airline you will be purchasing but rather categorizes them by class. Many of the same hotels which sell rooms to Priceline also sell rooms Hotwire and if you are focused in your analysis of other travel websites in many cases you can even determine although without not certainty which hotel or flight Hotwire will be booking you want or in as the case may be. Hotwire often boasts that you get a four-star room for a two star price but this is not a baseless claim in fact it is exactly what Hotwire offers you. For discount travel needs you will not do much better on hotels and Hotwire and at bare minimum should be something you consider prior to booking travel on the Internet. I give Hotwire high recommendations.
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