

Darwinian Web: Adam Green's thoughts on the evolution of the Internet


My good friend Antonio Rodriguez has just launched the beta test of Tabblo, his new photo and text publishing site. So I thought this would be a great opportunity to gather up some of the more memorable images from my many months of blogging at Darwinian Web into a single commemorative poster. Thanks to Tabblo, you can even order a printed copy of this poster for your home.

When I started this blog, way back in last October, I wrote that one of my goals was to come up with an idea around which I could start a new company. At the time I assumed that this would take at least a year. The search ended up taking half that time. I was lucky enough to meet Mike Kowalchik in late January, and that friendship has helped produce Grazr. I originally stated that I didn't want to take an equity position in Grazr, because that would conflict with being an independent blogger. A few weeks ago I started helping Mike raise money for Grazr development from angel investors. I soon found that the story I was telling people was so compelling that I ended up selling myself on the idea of investing. Mike and I have now come to a verbal agreement to have me invest and to join the company full time as president. Since I've always stated here that I wouldn't invest in companies that I blog about, this means that I will be changing the way I blog on this and my other sites. I'll probably stop posting anything here other than updates on OPML Camp in two weeks. When Mike and I have sorted out the goals we want to reach, I'll start blogging here about my work at Grazr. I'll use other company blogs as models to decide how I will discuss products that compete with Grazr.

A week ago I decided to just take a break from blogging. I was basically playing hooky. I finally started reading blogs again and found that lots of people were quiting all around me. I'm not going to stop blogging, but I may change my focus. With all the free time I had, I was able to come to some interesting decisions. Until these play out I'll just stay quiet here. I am still working on the OPML Camp for May 20th. That is doing great. We have 40 people registered, and plenty of speakers lined up. Most of all we have many of the OPML tool authors, so we'll get to put applications people and developers in the same room for an unconference about OPML and structured content.

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