

Welcome to Deutsche Bank Offshore


An offshore bank or financial institution is one whose clients are mainly based not in the jurisdiction where it operates, but elsewhere in the world. They have elected to use that bank because of the special advantages it can offer by virtue of its location.

Such advantages vary from one centre to another, but for sophisticated clients the key attraction is often the ability to establish an offshore legal structure which either eliminates or reduces a tax liability, or facilitates a transaction – or series of transactions – which would be precluded by constraints in the client’s home country.

Offshore centres are typically small jurisdictions that have actively set out to promote the development of financial services, or where such services have evolved as a by-product of their domestic policies – for example, the maintenance of low tax rates. However, many major financial centres including the City of London conduct much of their business offshore. It is in the nature of things that most governments seek to attract international business and inward investment by offering tax breaks and other inducements, and in this respect financial services businesses and their clients are no exception.

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Deutsche Bank AG
Germany 65760

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