
Deaths in Custody


Deaths in Custody Watch Committee
Mount Lawley WA
AU 6929


We would like to recognise the artwork; "Seekers of Truth and Justice" by Mr Gordon Narrier (1999), who donated the painting to the DICWC.

The Deaths In Custody Watch Committee (WA) Inc. ( D.I.C.W.C ) was formed in 1993. It is an independent community based Organisation comprised of members from Aboriginal Organisations, lawyers, academics, Church groups, Trade unions, politicians, Amnesty International, ex-prisoners and family members of those who have died in custody.

Seed funding was provided by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. It has been funded since 1996 by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission ( ATSIC ), the Lotteries Commission and other fund-raising initiatives, with resource support from the Trades and Labor Council of WA and we are now funded under the Federal Attorney General's Department through the Office of Indigenous Policy Co- ordination ( O.I.P.C ).

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