
Design Detector


Like Keith Robinson wrote in his post Reinvention, I had gone as far as I wanted to with the old site. The design sucked for a start. To be honest, it was taking too long to make a simple post, as I had to edit several files by hand. It was the same with comments - even the RSS feed was typed up by hand. Enough was enough. Time to start afresh.

I wanted to go with a new domain name as well, but it was cheaper for now to carry on with the existing one. Also, I wanted to install a CMS (Content Management System) to run this site like a proper blog, but the major ones (Wordpress, Movable Type etc) would each require moving to a new server. But I read in the comments in Keith’s Reinvention post about ExpressionEngine, which seemed to fit the bill nicely. So that’s what I’m using now. Although it is simple to install, it took me a few goes to get it how I wanted. Firstly. the permalinks were not in a format I liked, so I had to change them before I was ready to go live. I also spent a long time updating the code behind the theme I have added, which you can see in use now. In the end, it was a long and arduous task, but once started, I had to complete it. I was also dealing with the software itself being updated twice, which meant further work behind the scenes. Now, hopefully, enough tweaking has been done to make this site fully live.

There are still a few things I need to improve, such as the way users are redirected after posting a comment. I’ll need to dig deep into the code for that one. The side column is also lacking a list of the latest comments, along with more links I want to add. I can do this later. Several sub-pages also link back to the old site. I’ll redo them in the new format over time. By the way, if you want to view the old site, it’s still intact. I have yet to decide what to do with the posts there. Right now, I’m happy to leave them where they are.

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