Title - return of the camp:.


Plays well with others. Falls in love easily. Is almost always happy. Is an impatient person 97% of the time. Hates coding, loves new designs. Is a villainess in training. Loves animals. Has an appetite for life. Is a night owl. Thinks that 6 am is a good time to be getting in, rather than waking up. Thinks working out is a good idea in theory. Tries very hard to be a good friend. Has trouble telling people "no." Collects knives, perfume, and Barbie dolls. Still sleeps with a stuffed animal. Is learning to play the guitar. Can crochet, but only scarves. Is constantly reading. Is addicted to the internet. Can speak more than one language. Loves getting mail. Refuses to discuss religion, politics, or music and other such sensitive subjects. Is bad at math. Knows a lot of useless trivia. Loves her sisters very, very much. Hates when people bite their forks. Can't be in a room without a clock. Loves laughing/making people laugh. Is a sucker for romantic comedies. Hates horror movies. Studied forensics in college. Has an unholy amount of shoes. Adores video games and comic books. Has developed a dependency on her iPod. Is very shy in person. Bites her fingernails. Loves hockey. Lived in Las Vegas for over a year, and never saw a Las Vegas show. Is a beach baby at heart. Kinda misses the snow. Secretly wants an El Camino. Can appreciate a good cry. Can be very annoying and knows it. Is very stubborn. Finds the funny parts in most situations. Is an observer. Has a goofy cat. Is just a normal girl.


Wyandotte MI
United States 48192

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