- Alzheimers Care Facility-Assisted Living


Dolan Residential Care Centers are state-of-the-art residential facilities developed in conjunction with the Corrine Dolan Alzheimer Center at Heather Hill. Our facilities are specifically designed to meet the needs of those affected with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia related disorders.


Dolan Residential Care Centers - A St. Louis Based Alternative Care Solution for Alzheimer's Patients


Daily life is much like it is at home for people with Alzheimers and related dementias. A program of activities is designed to work with each individual’s abilities and needs.

Residents participate in activities of the house such as: preparing meals, setting tables, and folding or sorting laundry. They also spend time outside gardening, walking and having shopping outings. Residents participate in daily exercise. Reading, art and crafts, watching movies, pet therapy, music therapy and a variety of other activities are conducted based upon the liking of individual residents.

Other programs revolve around taking part in sing-alongs, card games and other home-like activities that draw from familiar and past life events to give particiapnts a sense of security, productivity and a feeling of being at home.

Unlike at conventional nursing facilities, families play an important role in our programs and are encouraged to take part in the lives and care of their loved ones.




16100 Chesterfield Pkwy, Ste 215
St Louis MO 63017 US


Artworks Design
+36 367774300x25, Fax: +1 636 777 4304



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