


After having been through some ups and downs with a certain rock band which shall remain nameless, the fantastic duo who run this website decided it was time to turn the attention to a fantabulous television show. At the time, every webpage out there seemed to feature either the original series, information about individual actors, or a collection of ship-specific fiction. There was no broad fansite simply for the show CSI: Miami.

But that doesn't mean there isn't something for everyone here. For the slashers, there's tons of fiction. For the het shippers, the artwork is primo. For the gossipers and community minded, there are links and affiliations galore. And for the artists, there are DVD quality screencaps.

Everything here is offered out of love - love for you, love for the show, and, most of all, love for my mad skillz. (Okay, not that last one so much. Except yes.)


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