

QS - Quinacrine Sterilization - Non-Surgical Sterilization for Women. - DrWhitney.com Quinacrine Non-Surgical Method of Voluntary Female Sterilization -


Family Planning Center does not hold contracts with any managed care organization but it does accept patient referrals for outpatient services that are not offered by managed care physicians (for example, we provide infant circumcisions and abortions).

Randall B. Whitney, M.D. is a formerly board-certified family practitioner who has practiced medicine in Florida since 1965. Dr. Whitney specializes in female sterilizations and outpatient surgeries. Additionally, he is a member of the following medical organizations:

"My comments on Quinacrine: Quinacrine changed my life! The procedure was essentially painless, affordable, and freeing! I love my new lifestyle. Thank you, Dr. Whitney!"



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