Retailer of church books and supplies


e-church depot - The full service store for today's church and ministry.


Excerpted from the website:

E-church depot is a new company committed to providing resources for local churches at a great price. The company was formed when the management of Christian Publications Inc. purchased part of that company. So, e-church depot is new, but it carries forward a history of over 100 years of experience as a supplier of curriculum and other church resources for the Christian church. Bringing this history into the new company guarantees exceptional service and the best possible price for every church customer. Staff members are familiar with the needs of each account previously served by Christian Publications and are trained and prepared to serve the needs of churches that are just discovering e-church depot for the first time. Personalized service is also available by calling 800.233.4443 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
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3825 Hartzdale Dr
Camp Hill, PA 17011 US

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