
EasierToUnderstandThanWave.com is a website that pokes fun at the complexity of Google Wave and the difficulty that a lot of users have with Google Wave. EasierToUnderstandThanWave.com presents a series of two pictures side by side, on the left side the picture of Google Wave and on the right side the picture of something (or someone) else, commonly regarded as difficult to be figured out, or understood. People get to vote on which is easier to understand by clicking in one of the pictures. After the voting another comparison is shown on the website.

As of the the time of this entry, Google Wave has been voted as being more difficult to understand than: Metaphysics, Death, neoclassical economics, Ozzy Osbourne, Combinatorial Game Theory, osmotic pressure, cardiothoracic surgery, the mating habits of the red-sided Garter snake, lipid solubility, radiocarbon dating, self-balancing binary search trees, damped harmonic oscillators, vector calculus, the geopolitical climate of Southeast Asia, and the Swedish chef.

As stated on the website, EasierToUnderstandThanWave.com is not affiliated with Google Wave or any other Google products or services.

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