offers e-commerce & web design services in Texas


Eclectic Designs


Eclectic Designs offers sensible, realistic hosting packages at great prices, with both Linux and Linux ColdFusion options! It's main focus, however, is on web site design and web application development using ColdFusion and PHP.


Eclectic Designs was started by me, Summer S. Wilson, in the late fall of 1998. It wasn't given a formal name, however, until January, when another business venture I was partnered in collapsed. It was only then that I seriously considered using my talent and experience in web design as a career. Having always wanted run my own company, I decided to take the chance and give it a shot. In the year 2001, Eclectic Designs relocated to College Station, Texas because I decide to move here. Been here ever since.

You may be wondering where the name "Eclectic Designs" came from. It was mostly derived from my personal site, which is called An Eclectic World. When I started this company, I decided to keep the "eclectic" as part of the name, since it fit so well with the ideals behind the company. The designs part, is of course, fairly obvious, since when I started it was mostly about web design. Now, of course, I've expanded into web application development and web hosting, but I still like the name too.

So why does it fit so well? Because the idea behind the Eclectic Designs is that the applications and sites produced are made using the best coding and design methods possible.




Eclectic Designs
College Station TX
US 77840

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