is the education and employment department of Australia


Government Education Portal - Australia


The Government Education Portal is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in Australia. In particular, it focuses on Australian government policies, programmes, events, publications and resourcing. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the national, state and territory level.

The Government Education Portal also enables the Australian public to find and share news and events relevant to education and training issues. It incorporates many of the tools and services of EdNA Online - an extensive, free, public website which links to a vast number of Australian and international education resources, identified and contributed by Australian educators.

More About the Portals Framework

This site is one of a series of Australian Government customer focused websites or ‘portals’. These portals and their entry point,, form the Customer Focussed Portals Framework, part of the Government Online Strategy. The aim of the portals is to provide you with easy online access to government information and services by allowing you to find what you are looking for without having to know which government agency to go to.



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