

Beach scenes and Jersey Shore scenes art by Elisabeth Olver


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Elisabeth L. Olver graduated from Rhode Island School of Design in 1994 where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration.

Elisabeth began painting with water colors at a young age and became very serious about her art in high school. She spent high school weekends and summers studying at Moore College of Art in Philadelphia. During her college summers, Elisabeth liked to sit on the beach and paint the lifeguard stands, rowboats and beach patrol headquarters. These scenes proved to be very popular and many people bought her water colors right on the beach the day they were painted.

Finding a niche, Elisabeth began exhibiting in galleries and shows, mostly along the Jersey coast. Her work has been selected to participate in many juried shows in New Jersey. She has won awards in the water color category in some of the more recognized shows at the shore, such as Stone Harbor's Wings & Water Festival.

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