Eq.edu.au Department of Education, Training and the Arts


Department of Education and the Arts


About the Department

The Department of Education and the Arts was established in February 2004 to support the Minister's joint portfolio responsibilities for education and the arts. These portfolio areas represent the Government's commitment to encourage and engage all Queenslanders in educational, artistic and cultural pursuits.

Education history

Queensland's first school opened in 1826 with 16 pupils, the children of soldiers and convicts from the first settlement in Moreton Bay. It was not until 1860, however, that the first Education Act was proclaimed and all primary education was placed under one general and comprehensive system controlled by the Board of General Education. More history and key dates.

Organisational structure

The Organisational charts provide an overview of the structure of the Department of Education and the Arts executive management at the date of publication. It should be used for reference purposes only and does not necessarily represent reporting hierarchies.

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30 Mary Street Brisbane 4000 QLDAUSTRALIA


Dept of Education (Qld)
+61 3237 0264, Fax: +61 3229 8695

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