
Erin Arts Centre :: International arts-based activities in the Isle of Man


who we are

Community based, the Erin Arts Centre is the only organisation of its kind on the Isle of Man. The Centre serves an Island population of over 72,000 people and provides an essential and unique key to access to, and participation in, arts-based activities. Since the Centre's foundation in 1971, it has fulfilled a unique and important role as a venue for music and theatre.

Under the guiding hand of founder and Director, John Bethell MBE, D Mus (Hon) (pictured right), the Centre has received international recognition as home to a number of prestigious events:

Staffed almost entirely by a dedicated team of voluntary helpers, the Erin Arts Centre has become a prestigious venue for international artists of the highest calibre. The fine acoustic of the Centre's Isle of Man Bank Auditorium is suitable for nearly all forms of music. Its versatility in terms of space enables it to accommodate anything from instrumental recitals to small orchestral ensembles, choral concerts, opera and more recently film, without losing its special atmosphere of intimacy.

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Look and Feel
Port Erin Isle of Man
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland IM9 6JL



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