Title - uk Skateboarding & Longboarding. A Community for the intelligent with a sense of humor. / Having fun in the UK. Skateboarding, Longboarding, all out laughs.


Fair to say, most of us don't skate anymore, a mix of alcohol, women, university and british weather can take the blame for this, I refuse to believe it's because we are probably the laziest people you are ever likely to meet. So, the idea of starting the site, and I quote from what I wrote last time :

We are a bunch of useless skateboarders without jobs who are trying to figure out ways to make money (lots of money) without doing any work. The website is the first step .... along a long road, and since we are all pretty lazy aswell, this dream of being rich and skateboarding all day probably isn't going to happen.

I would say this is no longer true, although if you want to make us rich, by all means get in touch and I can let you know where to send the cheque. The core group of eryc (the "group of guys" that started the site) are pretty much still together, we've had some causalities along the way, some took the dark path to pills and cars with flashing lights, other's got married (not literally.... yet). As of September, we will all be spread all over the country with a chunk of the group off to different universities. So the site is an awesome, and cheap, way to keep in touch.

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