
aŭstralia esperanto-asocio - english site


what is esperanto?

Esperanto is a language. But it is a somewhat special language. It was first thought of at the end of the 19th century. It was made specifically in order to enable easy communication between people of different languages. As it was made specially for this purpose, Esperanto can be learnt very quickly!

As a matter of fact, Esperanto is the easiest of all living languages. There are no exceptions, no irregular verbs. Nevertheless, it is a rich and subtle language: you can truly express everything with it. However, because it is built on just a few rules and structures - that are totally logical - we can learn it in very little time. Right after being introduced to the language, beginners quickly find themselves experimenting with their first sentences in Esperanto.

This is excellent, because rather than wasting hours learning complex grammar rules, we’ll have more time to spend with other fun and important things! - like communicating with others, and making new friends.

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