sells customized and giant fortune cookies in many flavors


Fortune Cookies - Fortune Cookie Recipes - Chocolate Covered Fortune Cookies - Fancy Fortune Cookies


the Mysterious Fortune Cookie Making Business!"

y name is Mike Fry and I am a fortune cookie fanatic and flavoring pioneer. The story I'm about to tell you is the absolute truth, as incredible as it may seem. It will intrigue you and give you a glimpse into the ancient and very secretive world of the Chinese fortune cookie making business.

In late fall of 1987 I had a "crazy" idea that forever changed my life. (Check out the first newspaper article about my original concept!) While eating in my favorite small, local Chinese restaurant in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I wondered "Why doesn't anyone make fortune cookies in fun colors and fruit flavors that actually taste good, like Jelly Belly does with its gourmet jelly beans?"

I was tired of my fortune cookies tasting bland, in one flavor choice and sometimes almost cardboard-like in taste. So, I decided to pioneer the idea and take on the challenge myself. Cold logic should have warned me about how hard my Willy Wonka style idea would be to pull off...

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6265 Coffman Rd
Indianapolis IN 46268 US


Fancy Fortune Cookies, Mike Fry
+1 317 299 8900, Fax: +1 317 298 3690

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