
Toronto recording studio Fandango recording mixing mastering Toronto studio


Get prepared for the session- see Getting prepared for recording. The time you spend for recording should be used properly, so a basic understanding of the recording process would help especially if you're into a recording studio for the first time.

If you have some tracks (pre-production or tracks recorded into another studio), they are to be taken care first and loaded into the workstation. From the sound point of view, recording each instrument separately is desirable because it provides easier control of leakage into the microphones. This doesn’t mean that a band will not play together; let’s not forget that the most important thing is to capture a great performance. The recording will be done in stages whenever necessary; the drums and the bass first (with all people playing together if that's what they want), than the other instruments and voices as overdubs.

While for rock, alternative, and pop this is a typical way of recording, in jazz, all the players are generally recorded at the same time, the way they play is more interactive and capturing the feel is very important even tough sound wise it may not be the best (leakage, phase problems, etc).

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Fandango Recording
Toronto On
Canada M3B 1G6
416 449 5568

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