- Social Bookmarking


A plethora of social book marking sites exists in cyberspace. is a relatively new entrant in the field. This site is more in the mould of Digg, Technocrati etc. It allows you to connect and socially submit articles, latest news and views and promote your work and business. Topics covered are of a very wide range, from latest news, science and technology, gaming, entertainment, lifestyle they have something to entice users of all age groups. Latest videos, images and a lot more are all part of, a social bookmarking site that is quietly jumping up the search engine rankings and making its presence felt. It is a free social bookmarking service that is provided on as is available basis. The site does not allow children below 13 years of age to register on the site as per the children’s online privacy act of 1998. The site strictly prohibits any kind of misdemeanor in the form of submitting or linking any kind of adult or pornographic material. The site also allows you to promote your books, articles, pictures and videos, so like any other social bookmarking site this one too is a great tool to establish or promote your business. You can also use it to generate traffic to your site, they do not claim rights to any kind of material that you may choose to upload on the site.

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