
First Hit Pty Ltd


About Us

First Hit is based in Sydney, NSW, Australia. We started First Hit way back in April 2002; our goal then, as now, is:

We hold that in the modern connected world, people who use the Internet for work are swamped by vast amounts of information, most of which is totally irrelevant to the task. We've collected a range of products and services that help employees and employers sort the good from the bad, and speed all aspects of information discovery, indexing and retrieval. Here's a brief podcast introduction:

Our customers are large and small businesses, ranging from corporations through to Fedaral, State and Local Government agencies, statutory bodies, and educational institutions. All have a shared understanding of the benefits of making appropriate information available to those who need it, and they also understand the risks of 'too much information' to their intended audience. Our customers use First Hit in these ways:

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