
Fly Fishing Wales with Kim Tribe


For many years if someone asked me "what do you do?", my reply would be 'I'm a fly fisherman'. I would like to think that after all the time, money and effort I have put into this sport, art, passion, addiction, I am quite a good one! But it has been a long journey of constant learning.

I was probably about eight or nine years old when I caught my first trout not on a fly but a worm impaled on a bent pin attached to some line and a bamboo stick (I know it sounds like a cliché but its true).

My first introduction and inspiration to fly fishing came a couple years latter when a friend's grandfather took us fishing. He was a former miner who had lost half an arm underground in a mining accident. I watched with amazement as he caught trout after trout from this small river (Dulais). He would cast with his one arm, then place the rod under the opposite arm trapping it against his body and retrieving the line with his one hand.

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Kim Tribe

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