
Foundation Systems - No.1 SunSystems 5 Solution Provider


We deliver complete solutions that offer both breadth and depth. Breadth comes from having a portfolio of business software based around SunSystems – you won’t be restricted to ‘one size fits all’ with us. Depth comes both from the ability of our solutions to scale from single user to many hundreds of users, and from our expertise in a number of key industry sectors including:

"Foundation has worked very hard to achieve our objectives, and has developed an extremely good understanding of our business. The indications are that our cost savings will be achieved and that the software will serve us well, for at least the next ten years.”

The real difference that Foundation Systems makes is the way we design and deliver a solution. We always devote expert pre-sales consultancy up front to make sure we really understand your requirements. We come up with innovative recommendations and we demonstrate a working prototype. In this way you get proof before you buy. And the solution is implemented by consultants whose knowledge and experience are second-to-none.

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