
The free classifieds network for expats and internationals


Franglo is the premier classifieds network for Anglophones and expats. Franglo is a community of people who speak English and live abroad.

Franglo lets you read and publish “classified ads” quickly, easily, and for free. We put “classified ads” in quotes because Franglo isn't just for advertising things. You can find and create postings on just about anything—from job and housing offers, to cultural questions and answers, even poetry and prose.

What makes Franglo different?

  • A network, not a website : The Franglo service comprises a growing network of websites—not just a single website. This way, you get access to a much larger database of postings, and when you publish a posting it is accessible from all websites in the network, not just
  • A moderated community: You generally won't find postings on Franglo for pyramid schemes or Chinese cell-phone parts wholesalers. That's because we regularly remove postings that are fraudulent, inappropriate or irrelevant. And if you ever see a posting that doesn't belong, simply click the "Flag for review" link to report it to us.
  • Local and global: While Franglo is a "world wide web" site, we are primarily dedicated to facilitating connections among Anglophone expats and we maintain a physical presence in Paris. This means we understand the local issues and concerns of our community of English-speakers living in and visiting Europe.

Mission and background

Franglo exists to provide a free, easy-to-use way to facilitate connections among the community of expats and internationals around the world. It is not a generic classifieds ad website; it is specific to our community.

When Franglo founder Lorin David Kalisky came from San Francisco to Paris to work as a journalist in the early 1990s it was clear to him that the city's expat and international community needed good ways to connect and communicate, but only bulletin boards and a few printed publications existed to facilitate these connections. As the internet emerged, so did new opportunities to provide useful Web-based services such as forums and online "classifieds".

To this end, Lorin and a few colleagues started developing Franglo in earnest in 2004 and the service was initially launched for France in November of that year. Since then, Franglo has expanded to serve expats and internationals in other European countries and has evolved from a simple website to a global expat classifieds platform with dozens of partners and affiliates.

Today, the Franglo platform continues to provide a virtual meeting place for thousands of expats and internationals in Europe and other part of the world. We hope that Franglo will continue to grow in this way, as a virtual "Centre Ville" where a thriving community goes to find or offer jobs, housing and services, to sell and trade property, and to meet one another.

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Lorin Kalisky
San Francisco CA
United States

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